The Flash (season 2)

So i left off on a very big event happening on The Flash a black hole was gonna rip central city apart unless Barry can find a way to stop it. Barry had a plan and that was to go into the black hole and try to close it with his speed by creating a funnel but his speed will not be enough so firestorm must go and help. The black hole was gone and everyone was saved but a part of firestorm died and there power was not complete.

As everybody tries to get back to normal someone comes to S.T.A.A.R labs and is saying he is the flash of his world, another world his name is Jay Garrick and he has come with terrible news that another foe has come wanting to destroy the flash they call him Zoom and he wants to be the only speedster in existence so he coming sending meta-humans from his earth to try to destroy the flash.

Barry Allen heads to Earth-2 trying to find out more about Zoom and how to defeat him but while there they find some information about the earth-2 Harrison Wells and find out that Zoom has his daughter and they try to help her escape and return her to her father back at Earth-1 and find what they were looking for and were able to find some information about Zoom and how to stop him.

As a battle with Zoom commences the team lost Jay Garrick to Zoom but do not know as much about him as they thought. When Cisco now with powers to see the future or past touches a helmet they find out that the person they thought was dead and was their friend is Zoom none other than Jay Garrick who has been there the whole time and is now winning because he was able to steal barrys speed force and cure him so he wont die. Even though He does not have his power Barry and cisco try to find a way to get back his speed force and stop zoom.

They have found a way to get Barry his speed force back but its dangerous they are going to inject all the chemicals that barry was using during the first time he turned into the flash. Barry has dissapeard into the speed force as the team tries to get him back. With Barry out of the speed force He faces off with zoom and is able to send him into the speed force but with no one in the speed force everything is going out of whack and to make it stop barry must enter the speed force and not leave…. but that´s for next time

To be continued..

~ Cassidy G.


The Flash (season 1)

¨ My name is Barry Allen and i am the fastest man alive!!¨ Is what he would say but we haven´t gotten to that part yet. Barry Allen Aka the flash was just a normal forensic scientist until the particle acccelerator exploded at The STAAR labs and sent a wave of dark matter all through out central city, Barry Allen who had just came back from star city was in his lab and notice the lightning and the wave of dark matter and tried to close his roof opening but got struck by lightning in the process and was taken to the hospital and was in a coma for nine months.

9 months have passed and Barry has finally woken up from his coma, but not in a hospital in STAAR Labs where Cisco Ramon and Caitlyn snow are and the famous / well know Harrison Wells. As Barry heads to find his friends and family he starts having flashbacks and seems to be moving faster than everybody else. Barry started to remember the murder of his mom and how the man who killed hi mom was a speedster and was in a ball of lightning and how his dad was framed for killing his mom and since he had this new power he was planning to find the man who framed his father and murdered his mother.

Barry has been training at STAAR Labs under the supervision of  Harrison Wells in order to capture the other Meta-Humans in Central City. He even has a new name The Flash, he has saved so many people and will continue to fight for people and save his city from people who try to harm it.

As Barry starts going faster he starts putting things together with the reverse flash and has figured out who his identity is, he thought he was someone he could trust someone hes looked up to but turns out that the reverse flash is Harrison Wells.  As Harrison figures out that they know the final battle begins against The Flash and the Reverse Flash, an many truths are being  told the real Harrison wells died a long time ago and the this Harrison wells is actually Eobard Thawn from the future who planned everything, turning barry into the flash, and every single thing.

Barry has Teamed up with the arrow and Firestorm to defeat the Reverse Flash but in order for him to leave he wants barry to travel back in time  so he can return to his home but Barry will not give in in order to defeat thawn eddie sacrificed himself in order to save his friends because he is a decendent of eobard and if he dies eobard wil never be born but in messing with time a black hole emerged in the sky.

To be Continued

~ Cassidy

Avengers infinity war

This movie was honestly the greatest and saddest movie i have ever seen in the marvel movies in my life. So much action, drama, and lots of tears shed for the heroes of the movie i mean i cried like two times at the least. The movie gave so much detail and action the whole time was very exciting.

Thor, Iron Man, Captain America, The hulk, and the rest of the Avengers joined forces with Star Lord, Gamora, Rocket, Groot, Drax, Black Panther, Spider-man, and so many more of the marvel superheroes to defeat there greatest enemy yet the evil…. Thanos!!

Born on Saturn´s moon titan which was destroyed, Thanos is in search of every single infinity stone so he can recreate his world he all ready has two of the infinity stones and he needs four more three of the stones are on earth the time stone is with doctor strange, the reality stone is with his adoptive daughter gamora, and the mind stone is on the head of vision who you may have seen in avengers age of ultron. Thanos was able to retrieve two of the stones and captured gamora. As thanos is on his way to retrieve the soul stone Gamora remembers how she meets Thanos as they journey to the soul stone.  As they arrive to get the stone Thanos must sacrifice the the one thing he loves most and even though he is cruel and brutal he still had love for his adoptive daughter Gamora so he sacrificed her and got the soul stone. (i know messed up)

As the Avengers and the guardians prepare to fight and protect wakanda from Thanos children as they try to break the barrier into wakanda, Thanos who has the power of five stones enters wakanda and gets to vision to retrieve the mind stone. Vision who was willing to sacrifice his life to protect his friends succeeded but since Thanos had the time stone he was able to go back and get the stone before Vision had destroyed it and was able to complete the infinity gauntlet.

Thanos who completed his task felt the power of the stones and entered a dream world where his adoptive daughter gamora was there and was able to get what he wanted but as a price for what he did people on earth started to disapear including many of the heroes trying to stop thanos. The Avengers did not win this battle but Thanos will return and another battle will happen. 

So long for now

                                                         ~Cassidy G.